Friday, August 10, 2012

Grand Opening @ Brownie Scraps

I was one of the top three "bakers" in the Brownie Scraps Bake-Off!!  My store officially opens today with my first three products, but stayed tuned as I will be adding more each week.

Here are my new releases for this week all available in my store at Brownie Scraps

First up is my template pack Falling For You.  My favorite is template 1 where the flowers and bead scatter are falling from the top to create a cluster at the bottom.

Next up is On The Strip available in templates or clusters (or buy them both).  I was thinking of tourist towns and how they always have a "main strip" with bright colors and lots of layers to them...just like these templates.

Over the next several weeks I've got some great giveaways, freebies, sales, and the list goes on.  Make sure you keep up on all the lastest news by subscribing to my newsletter and "Like" Badscraps on Facebook.

To kick off the grand opening fun I have a coupon for you!

Take 25% any purchase in my store this weekend. Code: BAD_Blog0810  exp. 8/12/12

And a Freebie!!
Download HERE

Have a great weekend!  I'll be back next week for more grand opening fun!